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1.1 The objectives of this policy are to:

Ensure that no-one involved with ELAS receives less favourable treatment, and are supported in their life as a person with an autistic spectrum condition. Our philosophy is that those who attend ELAS can expect to be treated with civility and politeness.


1.2 Ensure that those involved with ELAS are referred to appropriate services, or given guidance on services, as recommended or desired.To promote awareness of Asperger Syndrome and other related autistic spectrum conditions, and to promote the well-being of people on the autistic spectrum.


1.3 To encourage equal value and respect, and promote tolerance towards, people with autistic spectrum conditions. To promote an inclusive approach to people on the autistic spectrum and their diversity. To accommodate, value and celebrate this diversity.


1.4 The society's objects are to provide a group for:

• people with ASC to meet socially

• sharing experiences of living with ASCmeeting people who understand AS
• sharing news and information about ASC and responding if and when desired

• encouraging one another
• people who have ASC to meet those who do not have ASC, and vice versa
• linking people up with other autism support services.



2.1 We recognise that in society certain groups and individuals have suffered and continue to suffer direct and indirect discrimination and victimisation.


2.2 People with autistic spectrum conditions are no different. ELAS exists as a social and support group for those with such conditions.


2.3 We are actively committed to oppose any discrimination on the basis of real or perceived gender, marital status, race, colour, ethnic/national origin, nationality, religious faith or belief system that the believer considers correct for themselves, political beliefs and other values, disability, age, sexual orientation or any other factor which could lead to the experience of discrimination. We promote equal opportunities on the basis of these factors.


2.4 With particular relevance to people on the autistic spectrum, we also oppose discrimination on the basis the various and diverse traits found in autistic spectrum individuals. We promote positive attitudes towards people irrespective of where they fit on the spectrum.


2.5 We declare that ELAS, and the support that it offers to people with autistic spectrum conditions, is available to all without unfair discrimination, and to ensure that no one is disadvantaged in any of these matters by conditions or requirements that cannot be shown to be justifiable.


2.6 We seek to ensure that harassment, discrimination and exclusion do not occur in ELAS and will work to resolve any potential areas of difficulty. It is also our intention to take positive action to ensure equality of opportunity and of treatment on the matters specified above in dealings with others outside our organisation and generally throughout our sphere of influence, in so far as it lies within our power.



3.1 All who are involved with ELAS, both those on the autistic spectrum and those who are not, are encouraged to adhere to the Equality Policy. It is the responsibility of every person involved with ELAS to ensure that the policy is fully implemented by making sure that they do not discriminate in their contacts. The Administrator of ELAS has overall responsibility for its Equality Policy.


3.2 The ELAS Equality Policy will be reviewed at specific intervals to ensure that it is effective in tackling discrimination, promoting access and participation, equality and good relations between different people and groups, and that it does not disadvantage particular people or groups.


Last amended in May 2016

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