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ELAS Aspergers Edinburgh

Edinburgh + Lothian Asperger Society (ELAS) is an independent peer support group for adults, over 16, with any autistic spectrum condition, either diagnosed or personally detected, on roughly the non-learning-disability part of the spectrum: no line drawn, if we are the level you are comfortable with that's fine. No limit on where you live, come any distance, several have.


Enquiries Maurice Frank, chair: to contact box.


About ELAS
ELAS is organised by autistic people and has an elected chair. Membership is free and open to anyone as described above, and to their family like parents and partners. Autism professionals welcome to visit to raise items with us. 

ELAS aims to provide a community for autistic people to meet, accept, value and support one another and share ideas and coping strategies.
We aim to link with other autism groups, autism professionals and service providers, and to improve services and conditions for autistic people by promoting autism awareness and providing input on autistic issues to government policy documents.


ELAS Equality Policy constitutes us with a very strong ethic of inclusion and against arbitrary exclusion, the abuse and trauma that can be expected in some autistic groups run by arbitrary leaders and jumping on folks for using an ever more ridiculously growing list of forbidden words. ELAS's inclusion safety aligns us against harmful conflicts in the autistic scene, and for defence of a fair emotionally safer community.


ELAS email google group
Members can discuss topics on the email chatlist in confidence. Drop us a line if interested to join it.



NB we are not using Zoom: the fashion for everyone to use it hits folks finding technical troubles even with getting the app let alone using. But from the frustrations of Zoom and realising it's one of the options that folks might want, there is a fairness urge to share some info on it. - You don't need to have the app to be able to join a Zoom meeting, and you can join on any device you choose including a mobile phone. But further to that: if you are given a meeting address including "/j/", the usual form, you are likely to find the Zoom screen putting up barriers trying to force you to download the app, which on many devices you can't, before you can get in. A way round that, deliberately unpublicised by Zoom, is to change "/j/" to "/wc/join/".


petition and demo on an autistic young adult, Megan Docherty, removed from home to a locked ward in the Royal Edinburgh hospital.

TUES, JUL 23, 11 TO 5. Protest demo for Megan outside the William Fraser Centre, at 19/1 Tipperlinn Road, within the Royal Edinburgh Hospital grounds. Was a very successful presence.


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